Winter Meeting

Our annual meeting will be on Friday, Dec 2nd and Saturday, Dec 3rd, 2022 in Cody, WY at the Holiday Inn which is located at 1701 Sheridan.
Friday night is a “Members Only” Get Together featuring light appetizers and updates from the chapter on the 2022 wild sheep harvest as well as looks back at our recent projects.  Come and relax while we play some games, host a couple of raffles and a silent auction.
Saturday morning is our annual field trip which is also a “members only” event. We will journey to the National Forest lands and look for Bighorn sheep during their prime mating season.
Saturday evening is “dinner and a movie night” and is open to all!  Attendees will be treated to a buffett dinner before watching the Wyoming Migration Iniative film series “My Wild Land”.  There will be special prizes for all of the kids in attendance. Games, Raffles, and a Silent Auction will keep everyone entertained.  Come and meet our sponsors; WMI, Wyoming Wildlife Federation, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and American Bear Foundation.  These groups share our passion for maintaining our western heritage and enhancing wildlife populations in Wyoming.
Holiday Inn Rooms are $109.95. Call (307) 587-5555 and ask for the Wyoming Wild Sheep rate.  Rooms are also available at the Comfort Inn for $114.00 which includes breakfast by calling (307)587-5556. The two hotels are conviently located side by side, so it is a 2 minute walk from the banquets to your hotel room.
 Questions? Call Dean at (307)213-0998.

"My Wild Land" Film Series Sponsored BY

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