Wyoming WSF was formed in 1983 and has a long record of actively working for Wyoming’s bighorn sheep, other wildlife, education, and hunter’s rights. Led by an all volunteer Board of Directors, Wyoming WSF annually raises thousands of dollars through the energy and efforts of conservation-minded sportsmen and women throughout Wyoming.
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The passion of folks in the bighorn sheep world never ceases to amaze us at the WY-WSF. Gary Butler, life member #280, recipient of the Ron Ball Award, and former Wyoming Game and Fish Department habitat guru/bighorn fanatic, approached us in 2015 with a proposal to establish a permanent bighorn sheep conservation fund. Interest from the fund would be used to finance bighorn sheep conservation in perpetuity. We were elated!! By January 2021 the fund had grown to over $420,000 allowing us to fund projects and gift youth life memberships from our interest earnings.
Visit the Conservation Fund pages
The Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation (WY-WSF) is committed to restoring, enhancing, and maintaining bighorn sheep populations in Wyoming through our Grant in Aid (GIA) program. Applications are considered twice a year in June and December at the WY WSF summer and winter meetings. Submission deadlines are May 1 (for consideration in June) and November 1 (for consideration in December). Please review the list of projects we have funded and chart displaying percentages by project types.
Scientific Classification of North American Wild Sheep:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Ovis