Governor Gordon signs SF0118 into law
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It is time to return wild sheep to the Sweetwater Rocks of Wyoming. Learn about the history of wild sheep in the rocks and the effort being undertaking by WY-WSF to restore wild sheep to their natural habitat
WY-WSF announces Sweetwater Rocks Initiative
It is time to return wild sheep to the Sweetwater Rocks of Wyoming. Learn about the history of wild sheep in the rocks and the effort being undertaking by WY-WSF to restore wild sheep to their natural habitat
Game and Fish Plans Controlled Burn at Torrey Rim
Hank Edwards has been serving Wyoming's wildlife and sportspeople for 35 years with Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Hank was the recipient of the WY-WSFs Ron Ball award for his exceptional work on bighorn sheep respiratory disease. Please take a look at this Oil City News article to get an idea why we are such fans of Hank!
Spring 2023 President’s Message
Thoughts and Updates from WY-WSF Board President, Zach McDermott. As we all move through life, we know we cannot go through it... Read More
Our Youth are All Winners!
At out annual convention in Lander, we recognize the youth in attendance. 13 year old, Lily Schank, was the grand prize winner. She will be going on a cow elk hunt this fall with Grizzly Outfitters, Cole & Elaine Benton.
It was a wild scene during Saturday night’s live auction of the WYO Governor’s BHS license as bidders upped the total raised... Read More